First porn app ‘approved’ for the iPhone in Europe. Apple isn’t happy.

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"We are deeply concerned about the safety risks that hardcore porn apps of this type create for EU users, especially kids. This app and others like it will undermine consumer trust and confidence in our ecosystem that we have worked for more than a decade to make the best in the world. Contrary to the false statements made by the marketplace developer, we certainly do not approve of this app and would never offer it in our App Store. The truth is that we are required by the European Commission to allow it to be distributed by marketplace operators like AltStore and Epic who may not share our concerns for user safety," Apple said in a statement to The Verge.

Instagram’s shifting to rectangles, messing up your perfect, square grid

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"I know some of you really like your squares. And square photos are sort of the heritage of Instagram," Instagram chief Adam Mosseri said in an Instagram story. "But at this point, most of what’s uploaded, both photos and videos, are vertical in their orientation. And it just is a bummer to overly crop them. I know it's a change. I know it's a bit of a pain, but I think it's a transitional pain."

Twitter Circle is finally live globally, meaning deeper subtweets for all

Twitter Circle is rolling out to everyone globally today, giving users the option to restrict individual tweets to a select audience. This new Twitter feature could finally let you retire your secret depression account — provided you’re careful about selecting your Twitter Circle when writing your sad tweets.