Gentrified Doom remake trades chainsaw for cheese knife

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Doom: The Gallery Experience, created by Filippo Meozzi and Liam Stone, transforms the iconic E1M1 level into a virtual museum space where players guide a glasses-wearing Doomguy through halls of fine art as classical music plays in the background. The game links each displayed artwork to its corresponding page on the Metropolitan Museum of Art's website.

The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store

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The app marks the first significant and officially sanctioned game emulator for the iPhone since Apple began allowing them, with wide-ranging console emulation from the original Nintendo Entertainment System to the Nintendo 64 (and even the Sega Genesis, for when you want to play those games that Nintendon’t).

Apple pulls a Game Boy emulator for App Store violations, but says game emulators are allowed | TechCrunch

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First launched on Sunday, iGBA was an ad-supported copy of the open source project GBA4iOS that offered a Game Boy game emulator for iOS. The new app worked as described, allowing users to download both Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color ROMs from the web and then open them in the app to play. However, the app was submitted to the App Store without the permission of GBA4iOS developer Riley Testut, who also developed the AltStore and Delta, a Nintendo emulator and popular successor to GBA4iOS.